During one of There’s Hope for the Hungry’s recent mobile food-and-faith ministry runs, I spoke with a person needing a home (as opposed to continue living in her truck). She readily affirmed that she was saved by the blood of Christ, but she was concerned that her backslidden ways might keep her from going to heaven. I explained to her that no only could she restore her fellowship with God through repentance and prayer, but that He promises to give us strength to endure.
That particular promise always serves to remind me of the experience of Daniel’s having been thrown into the furnace. Although the faithful are not always rescued from the fire, God will meet us in the furnace. In other words, He rewards our faithfulness, but not always in our life time.
In one of my Christian novels, The Seeker, I tell the story of one man’s growth from a miserably failed marriage to ultimate success through application of the deeper meaning of life, marriage, relationships, and most importantly, his newly acquired faith. The unbelieving protagonist deceptively manages to meet a Christian woman through a dating service. In that process she steals his heart, but she easily sees through his claim to be walking with the LORD.
She refuses to see him again. In an effort to get onto the same page with her, but not understanding the importance of the primacy of God, he enlists a remarkable mentor who employs an unlikely resource in helping him. That resource is the biblical book, Song of Songs.
Any of my nine Christian books (seven novels and three memoirs), including The Seeker, can be ordered ON LINE from either Amazon or Barnes & Noble, or directly from me. Check out my web site,, and any or all of my six one-minute videos listed under my name on You Tube and Facebook.
Terry Dodd, Christian Books worth Reading